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5 Effective Communication Techniques When Speaking with Your Children

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5 Effective Communication Techniques When Speaking with Your Children

5 Effective Communication Techniques When Speaking with Your Children

As we go through our daily lives, communication is a crucial element in maintaining smooth relationships. There are many communication techniques parents can put to the test. But, it needs to be suitable for the child’s personality. It is important to know that not everyone will be comfortable with the way we communicate. We must make certain that every instance of communication can solve a problem, rather than complicate the situation further.

1. Always check on their development daily and ask how they are

It is important for children to know that both their parents care about them. No matter how busy things can get, always make time to get up to speed on their studies and what they have been doing. The lack of a parent’s attention will lead them to look for attention elsewhere. There are many characters out there with ill intentions that will seize this opportunity and take advantage to fill that void for their own gains.

2. Avoid being over-controlling, always give the benefit of the doubt

The world today is filled with wonders that have little to no boundaries. Curiosity will escalate with continuous exposure to unceasing information. Because of this, any and every convenience and freedom granted to the child has to have its limits. Consider the use of smartphones. Set specific periods of use while they are still young and attending school. Time limits are necessary to ensure that they are making use of its conveniences for things that are actually important while avoiding the possibility of using applications that are not pertinent to their needs. Examine their devices and search history after each session of use.

3. Find the things you have in common with your child

Give your child the opportunity to choose things they would be interested in, and respect his or her decision. Avoid deciding it for them and limiting them to something that is too specific. Even if you are, for example, a sportsperson, your child does not necessarily have to follow your footsteps and disregard their interest in other things. While it is not wrong to steer him or her in that direction, avoid being too persistent and forcing it on them. Choice of activities are supposed to be enjoyable for the child, instead of making them feel pressured. This is especially true while they are still growing up. If the activities they like are not of your interest, learn the basics so that you may talk about it with them.

4. Never raise your voice when initiating a conversation

Even though your child may have made a small or big mistake, start the conversation with a soft intonation while remaining firm. Chastising the child immediately gives off the impression that you are insensitive, having rendered your judgment without giving them the chance to explain things from their perspective. A matured discussion will make them more open to tell you the truth, rather than lying to protect themselves.

5. Avoid embarrassing them and pay due attention to correct their behavior

Punishment in public can cause a child to feel shame and this can have long-term effects in his or her emotional growth. When the child bottles up his or her feelings, it will scar and create a distance in the relationship between you and your child. Analyze their wrongdoing and guide them, besides taking proper measures in educating them and tweaking their behavior. Once everything has settled, explain the purpose and rationale of your actions.

Oral Health Tips
5 Effective Communication Techniques When Speaking with Your Children